I'm your online business coach who believes you've gotta build your dreams from the inside out

hey, I'm Krista with a "K"

that this one little word would become my superpower, propelling me forward in ways I never imagined. Saying "no" wasn't just a solitary act; it rippled out into every aspect of my life, reshaping my relationships, my career, and my sense of self. It gave me the freedom to say "yes" to the things that truly mattered, to pursue my passions and to walk away from anything that no longer served me. I had no idea that behind that simple "no" lay a world of untapped potential, waiting to be unleashed. As I continued to embrace the power of refusal, I discovered a strength within myself I never knew existed—a strength that would carry me through challenges, setbacks, and triumphs alike. .

I had no idea at the time... 

My story? Well, let me tell you, it didn't start with a bang or some grand revelation. No, it began with a simple yet profound word: "no." You see, I used to be the "yes" girl, always eager to please, afraid of missing out. But one day, I woke up and realized that saying "yes" to everything meant saying "no" to myself. So, I took a deep breath, mustered up some courage, and said it—loud and clear. And in that moment, everything changed. Saying "no" wasn't just a rejection; it was a declaration of self-worth, a reclaiming of my time and energy. It was the beginning of a journey to honoring my boundaries and prioritizing my happiness. So, yeah, my story really began when I finally said "no"—and let me tell you, it's been one hell of a ride ever since.

My story really began the moment I finally said no. 

It was one of those moments when the world seemed to conspire against me, when every setback felt like a punch to the gut. Yet, in the face of adversity, I found a resilience I never knew I possessed. I refused to let my doubts and fears dictate my future. Instead, I dug deep, drawing strength from the fire burning within me. With each step forward, I silenced the voices of doubt and embraced the relentless pursuit of my dreams. And you know what? That decision to keep going, to keep pushing through the darkness, it changed everything. It transformed moments of despair into opportunities for growth, and setbacks into stepping stones toward success. So, yeah, when I hit that pivotal moment, I didn't give up. I kept going. And that, my friend, made all the difference.

Then I hit this really Pivotal moment where i wanted to give up, but i didn't. I kept going. i kept doing the thing.


My Mantra

Because just like me, you have a story waiting to be told, a journey filled with triumphs, challenges, and everything in between. Together, we'll unravel the threads of your narrative, uncovering the moments of strength, resilience, and growth that define who you are. I'll stand by your side as you reclaim your truth, embracing the fullness of your experiences and celebrating the unique essence that makes you, well, you. Whether it's breaking free from self-doubt, pursuing your passions with unwavering determination, or simply learning to love yourself a little more each day, I'll be here to support you every step of the way. So let's dive in, fearless and unapologetic, and write the next chapter of your story—one that's authentically, beautifully, undeniably yours.

And now i'm going to help you own yours.

embracing every twist and turn, every triumph and stumble, as integral parts of the narrative that was uniquely mine. No longer did I allow the judgments of others or the expectations of society to define who I was or what I could become. Instead, I stood tall in my authenticity, unapologetically showcasing the messy, beautiful tapestry of my life. Owning my story wasn't about seeking validation or approval; it was about honoring my truth and finding power in vulnerability. It meant embracing my flaws and imperfections as badges of honor, reminders of the resilience that carried me through every challenge. And in that ownership, I discovered a sense of freedom and empowerment unlike anything I'd ever known. So, yeah, that moment when I started owning my own story? It was the moment I truly began to live.

That was the exact moment it all changed for me. When I started owning my own story...


can't live without

Light is the new Black

favorite Book



My Home


Celery Juicing


not about

bandaid fixes,
the word "moist",
that hustle game


Straight talk,
virgin Mojitos,
short emails, 
helping you find
your superpower

all about


the daily life

"I HAVE A DEEPLY HIDDEN and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life."



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Title: Unleashing the Extraordinary: A Mom's Manifesto in Authenticity, Hear, and New Adventures

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