Feel The Shift

Title: “Unleashing the Extraordinary: A Mom’s Manifesto on Authenticity, Heart, and New Adventures”

I'm Krista!

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Hello, incredible souls,

Come on in, let’s chat like old friends with dreams bigger than the laundry pile. I’m here to share not just the joys and juggling acts of motherhood but to dive into the deeper waters of rediscovering who you are, pushing through the fears that yes, you still have, and embracing the extraordinary journey that lies ahead.

Authenticity, my dear friend, is not just about being true to the world; it’s about remembering who you are. In the whirlwind of diapers, school runs, and mealtime madness, it’s easy to lose sight of the woman behind the mom. But here’s the thing – she’s still there, with dreams and passions waiting to be reignited. Authenticity is the compass that guides you back to your true self, reminding you that beyond the mom hat, you are a woman with a story, dreams, and a fierce spirit that refuses to be extinguished.

Following your heart isn’t always a smooth ride. It requires a daring leap, a trust fall into the unknown. But, mama, your heart knows the way to joy and purpose. It’s about carving out moments for yourself, pursuing hobbies that set your soul on fire, and rediscovering the passions that may have taken a backseat to motherhood. Your heart is a powerful guide, and when you listen to its whispers, it leads you back to the core of who you are.

Mama, your vision is bigger than yourself. It’s a legacy of love, authenticity, and the unwavering belief that life is meant to be lived to the fullest. It’s about being the woman your children look up to, not just as a caregiver but as a fearless explorer of life’s wonders.

Now, let’s talk about fear – that sneaky companion that likes to dance on the edges of your dreams. Yes, you still have fears, and that’s perfectly okay. So do I. Fear is not the enemy; it’s a sign that you’re onto something big. Whether it’s the fear of failing, the fear of judgment, or the fear of the unknown, acknowledge it, embrace it, and then push through it. Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the triumph over it. You, dear mama, are more resilient and powerful than you realize.

In fact, I have been trying to write this first blog post for a few weeks and got so stuck in my head second guessing myself on what to write about, how to introduce myself and what to talk about. So I went to good ol’ Facebook and asked this simple question….

“Can I ask you a favour?

Can you drop the first word or sentence that comes to mind on how you would describe me into the comments ?”

These are the exact words I got back.

Fierce, Blessed, Beautiful, Confident, Happy, Beautiful, Confident, Beautiful soul, Real reflection, Generous, Enlightened, Genuine, Authentic, Vulnerable yet Strong, Confident, Magnetic, Beautiful, Courageous, Caring, Freakin Fun, Inspirational, Sunshine, Inspiring, A bit of light, Wise, Zen, Amazing, True, Charismatic, Talented, Unafraid, Strong, Lovely, Sunny, Sunshine, Reflection of Kindness, Free Spirit, Chilled, Friend, Self Confident, Heart. (Thank you to each and everyone of you who took the time to leave a comment)

Now, I am not saying to rely on social media to validate who you are, but for me, this was the push I needed to remind myself why I need to get this blog and website started, because I do touch and impact people online and offline in a positive way. You never know who is watching, and might just need that extra bit of reassurance to KEEP GOING! My only hope is to be that voice for you.

Trying new things becomes a battlefield where you confront your fears head-on. It’s about saying yes to the things that scare you, stepping into the discomfort, and realizing that growth and magic happen just beyond your comfort zone. Every “yes” is a victory, a testament to your strength, and a reminder that you are capable of more than you ever imagined., and every “no, is saving space for your best “Yes”s to come.

So, in the midst of the chaotic beauty of motherhood, remember this: authenticity, following your heart, trying new things, and conquering fear are the threads that weave the tapestry of an extraordinary life. You are not just a mom; you are a force to be reckoned with, a woman with a vision that transcends the challenges and triumphs of motherhood.

Here’s to remembering who you are, pushing through fear with a courageous heart, and embracing the extraordinary journey that awaits. Come along with me, on this next chapter and let’s have some fun!

With love and messy, beautiful chaos,

Krista with a “K”

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Hi, I'm Krista.
Your BFF +  Creative Inspiration.

At this point in my life it is really hard to define who I am in one sentence. My journey has been such a beautiful one full of ups and downs with so many life lessons, and amazing blessings have come my way once I started to do life on my terms.

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Secrets to Discovering your WHY


Confidence is not "I'm better than Her" Confidece is "I'm great, and so is SHE"

Krista with a k