Feel The Shift

Defining Your Why by going 7 Levels deep

I'm Krista!

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7 Levels Deep Exercise

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Defining your WHY. I want you to take some time to reflect on your why today and go deep on this exercise I’m about to share with you. Once you get to the seventh level your WHY will be revealed to you , and will be anchored in your heart.

This is so powerful because once you know this, you will use it as a guide through your daily life and it will fuel you to take action even when you don’t feel like it. All right, so welcome to another episode of Feel the Shift podcast. Now today I am super excited to share this exercise with you guys because it’s an exercise that I have done before that has literally changed my life.

Now this exercise is called the seven levels deep. I did not create it, the first time that I ever did it. I heard about it from Dean Graziosi and I’m not sure where he got it from but I know that he also uses it as well and got it from one of his mentors. So I really want to share it with you guys because I truly believe that once you figure out what your WHY is, it really becomes the compass that leads you through your day to day life.

When you know what your why is, you have a different type of passion in your belly to do the things that light you up. Now being an entrepreneur, anybody who’s an entrepreneur, I think you can relate to this and you understand that it’s full of ups and downs and when you have something that is connected and anchored into your heart, it’s really hard to just turn that voice off and to stop doing what you’re doing.

Now this is also going to help you in anything in your life. You don’t have to just be an entrepreneur for this. So I wanted to share it with you as well so that you can go back to it any time that you need to. Okay, so basically the way that it works is, first of all, I want you to get a pen and paper. If you’re able to do that, if you’re driving, keep driving. Okay? Don’t worry. You can go back and listen to this episode anytime. And we’ll have the show notes on our website as well where you can go and get a free download of the exercise that you can do any time you want.

You can share it with your friends, with your coworkers, or use it for yourself as well in your business, or even for yourself anytime you need to. And I’m sure you’ve been asked before, like what is your why, right? And a lot of times people kind of just sit back and they go, oh well, you know, I wanna make more money. Okay, so but that isn’t enough to anchor in sometimes to make you take action.

So the purpose of this is going to be to really get down to what your real WHY is so that you can push through anything, whether it’s good or bad, to get the outcome that you desire.

Okay, so number one. So first thing is, it can be a question about anything.

So basically, what is a big goal that you’re working on right now or that you have? So for me, let’s say as an entrepreneur, I’m gonna use an example here just to show you guys how this works.

1. So why is it important for you to be successful? So an example would be because I want to make more money. Okay, so we’re gonna go down another level.

2.So why do you want to make more money? Because I want to be able to provide for my family.

3. Okay, so why is it important to you that you provide for your family? Well, it’s important for me because I want to contribute.

4.Okay, so why do you wanna contribute? Why is that so important to you? Because I don’t want my kids to see their mom stressed out.

5.Okay, why is it important for you for your kids not to see their mom stressed out? Well, because when I was a kid, I just remember my mom being really stressed out about money.

6. Okay, why is it important for you that your kids don’t see you stressed out like you saw your mom stressed out about money? I don’t want my kids to feel the way that I did.

7. Okay, why is it important for you to make sure that your kids don’t feel like you did when you were a kid? Because I want my kids to know and believe that anything is possible if you really work hard at it.

Okay, so do you see where there’s a difference there? We started with because I want to make more money and we ended with because I want my kids to know and to believe that anything is possible if you work hard for it.

Now tell me which one of those do you think will push you through any type of adversity that you’re faced with or a challenge? 100% the one at the bottom, right? Okay, do you see how that works?

Now I’m gonna give you one more example, okay? So let’s say somebody’s goal is, okay, I’ll ask the question again,

  1. What is a big goal that you’re working on right now? What is your why?Okay, so the answer is to get in the best shape of my life.
  2. Okay, why is it important to you to get in the best shape of your life? Because I wanna have more energy.
  3. Why do you wanna have more energy? So that I can go to all my kids’ activities.
  4. Why do you wanna go to all your kids’ activities? Because I want them to see that I’m there to support them.
  5. Why is it important for you for your kids to see that you support them? Because when I was a kid, my parents didn’t come to my activities.
  6. Why is it important for your kids to see that you’ve gone to their activities? Because I want them to see that they are worthy.
  7. Why do you want them to see that they are worthy? Because I want my kids to know and to believe that anything is possible if you work hard at it.

Do you see how I got back to the same why? Even though the goal was something completely different, right? I wanna make more money and I wanna get in the best shape of my life is what we started with. And my why, and after going seven levels deep, My why is actually because I want my kids to know and believe that anything is possible if you work hard at it.

Okay, I want you guys to do this exercise and if you do it, I’d be so happy if you shared it with me if you wanted to. I just think it is so important to reconnect to that sometimes because with all the noise and craziness that’s going on in the world all the time, sometimes it’s just a simple exercise to get us back on the right path to remember why we do what we do.

It will also help you to set boundaries in your life that you need to set to be able to move consistently towards your goals, whatever it may be in your personal life, in your career, in your business. It doesn’t matter. Once you have determined what this why is, it will be easier for you to navigate those waters.

You can download this exercise as a freebie anytime from our website and just print it off and do with it as you wish…

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Hi, I'm Krista.
Your BFF +  Creative Inspiration.

At this point in my life it is really hard to define who I am in one sentence. My journey has been such a beautiful one full of ups and downs with so many life lessons, and amazing blessings have come my way once I started to do life on my terms.

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Secrets to Discovering your WHY


Confidence is not "I'm better than Her" Confidece is "I'm great, and so is SHE"

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