Feel The Shift

Unleashing your Online Presence. Serving not just Surfing.

I'm Krista!

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7 Levels Deep Exercise

Gimme that

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I am beyond excited to dive into today’s topic because it’s something that’s been lighting a fire within me lately. We’re talking about showing up online, owning your presence, and not getting hung up on those pesky view counts!

Alright, let’s dive right in. So picture this: you’re scrolling through your feed, watching those numbers, those views, those likes, and suddenly, you start to feel like you’re on a rollercoaster. One moment you’re on cloud nine because your latest post is blowing up, and the next, you’re crashing down because your engagement seems to have hit a plateau. Sound familiar?

Well, guess what? It’s time to break free from the chains of the algorithm! But before we get into that, let’s demystify this whole algorithm thing. Think of it like a giant puzzle. You’ve got your content on one side, your audience on the other, and the algorithm is the bridge that connects the two.

Now, here’s where it gets juicy. The algorithm’s main goal? To keep users engaged. It’s like a matchmaker, trying to pair the right content with the right audience. So when you’re stressing about those views, remember, the algorithm is just doing its job. But that doesn’t mean you have to be a slave to it!

The real magic happens when you shift your focus from those numbers to the people you’re serving. That’s right, I’m talking about your audience, your tribe, your community. These are the people who matter most, the ones who are hanging on your every word, waiting for your next post like it’s the latest episode of their favorite Netflix series.

Here is the thing, when you show up authentically, when you pour your heart and soul into your content, you’re not just playing the algorithm game anymore. You’re building real, meaningful connections with real people. And let me tell you, there’s nothing more powerful than that.

You see, the internet is a crowded place. There are millions of voices looking for attention, all looking for those precious views. But you? You’re different. You’re not here to blend in, to fade into the background. You’re here to stand out, to make an impact, to change lives!

Let’s break it down into ten actionable steps to help you dominate your online presence:

  1. Define Your Purpose: Start by clarifying your why. What drives you? What message do you want to share with the world? Your purpose will serve as your guiding light, keeping you focused and motivated.
  2. Know Your Audience: Dive deep into understanding who your audience is. What are their pain points? What solutions are they seeking? The better you know your audience, the more effectively you can tailor your content to resonate with them.
  3. Create Quality Content Consistently: Consistency is key in the online world. Commit to creating high-quality content on a regular basis. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, podcasts, or social media updates, aim to provide value with every piece of content you share.
  4. Engage Authentically: Don’t just broadcast your message; engage with your audience authentically. Respond to comments, ask questions, and foster conversations. Building genuine connections will help strengthen your community and increase loyalty.
  5. Leverage Multiple Platforms: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your online presence by leveraging multiple platforms. Whether it’s Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or a podcast, explore different channels to reach a wider audience. Start with one before you move to the next depending where you are in your journey. Once you master one, and feel like you are ready to move to another ..do it.
  6. Optimize for Search: Understand the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to ensure your content is discoverable. Research relevant keywords, optimize your headlines and descriptions, and structure your content in a way that’s easy for search engines to understand.
  7. Collaborate and Network: Build relationships with other creators in your niche. Collaborate on projects, participate in joint ventures, and cross-promote each other’s content. Networking with like-minded individuals can help you expand your reach and tap into new audiences.
  8. Provide Value-Driven Lead Magnets: Offer valuable incentives, such as free guides, templates, or exclusive content, in exchange for email sign-ups. Building your email list allows you to nurture relationships with your audience outside of social media platforms and provides a direct line of communication.
  9. Analyze and Iterate: Continuously monitor your performance metrics to identify what’s working and what’s not. Use analytics tools to track engagement, traffic, and conversion rates. Use this data to iterate and improve your strategies over time.
  10. Stay True to Your Authenticity: Finally, never lose sight of who you are and what you stand for. Authenticity is your greatest asset in the online world. Stay true to your values, voice, and personality, and let that shine through in everything you do.

By following these ten action steps, you’ll be well on your way to dominating your online game and making a lasting impact in your niche.

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Hi, I'm Krista.
Your BFF +  Creative Inspiration.

At this point in my life it is really hard to define who I am in one sentence. My journey has been such a beautiful one full of ups and downs with so many life lessons, and amazing blessings have come my way once I started to do life on my terms.

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Secrets to Discovering your WHY


Confidence is not "I'm better than Her" Confidece is "I'm great, and so is SHE"

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