
How I painted my front door to lighten it up for spring

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Before we get started I need to confess to you that I love love creating cozy welcoming spaces inside and outside my home, So whenever there is an opportunity to recreate a space I am all over it.

Painting my front door is such an easy way to transform your front step and the vibe you can create when walking up the door. This is honestly the 4th time I have painted my front door in the last ten years. It has been brown, Red, black with copper accents and now this beautiful Serenity Blue colour .

First thing I did was clean the door to get rid of all the dust and dirt . I just used soap and water. I did not sand, only because I know this paint will stick to the paint that I used under neath, but I would suggest you do lightly sand if this is your first time painting your door.

Next, I taped off all the areas around the glass and hardware that I did not want to get paint on.

Then the most satisfying part began. I simply poured the paint into the pan and started rolling it on.

I did 3 coats (in the after pic below It only had 2 coats and i still haven’t removed the painter tape)But you get the picture of the transformation. The paint I used dried very fast so I did not have to wait long between coats.

Once I was done. I took off the painters tape, added a new mat, some flowers and candle holders to the step, and VOILA. Ready for SPRING!!! Let me know what you think,

Here is what I used:

1. Rustoleum Chalk Paint in the colour Serenity Blue

2. Smaller Lint free roller

3. small paint brush to do edges around the glass and hardware where the roller wont reach

4. You should prob also use a drop cloth depending how comfortable you are painting

You can find all of these items linked in my amazon store here: Canada, or US

Also you can watch a quick video on how I did it here:

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Hi, I'm Krista.
Your BFF +  Creative Inspiration.

At this point in my life it is really hard to define who I am in one sentence. My journey has been such a beautiful one full of ups and downs with so many life lessons, and amazing blessings have come my way once I started to do life on my terms.

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Confidence is not "I'm better than Her" Confidece is "I'm great, and so is SHE"

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