Feel The Shift

The Game Has Changed

I'm Krista!

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Hey there, fellow dream chasers and go-getters!

Krista with a “K” here, and I am beyond thrilled to chat with you today about an event that’s about to shake things up in the world of personal growth and entrepreneurship.

But first I want to take you back to 2019 with me.

Wow, I can’t believe that is has already been 5 years. You see in 2019 I had an amazing opportunity to partner with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi to help them in their very first launch of a passion project of theirs. It was a very exciting opportunity, as I was years already into my personal growth, I had already invested thousands of dollars in courses, mentors and coaches and being that it was a digital product that I 100 percent could stand behind., it was a no brainer for me. I said YES to the opportunity, and earned myself an invite to a private dinner hosted by Dean and Tony in Las Vegas with the top 100 affiliates from around the world and we all received an impact award. (here are a few pictures that from that day)

This was one of the most memorable moments of my life besides getting married and giving birth to my children of course. The impact that I saw this have on people just like me and you from all over the world is something that is truly hard to put into words.

When I shared with ” friends” and asked for support or to talk to them about it, I was met with resistance.

I was told I am too busy, you are drinking the kool aid, in fact I lost friendships over it because some chose to get offended and put words in my mouth and say things like I don’t believe in education, I think I am better than them. blah blah blah. In fact, I was in a different place of all the people who had known me up until this point my life, being in the online business space, working from home, two little ones at my hip. I was doing something different. When people don’t understand something they tend to project thier insecurities on to you.

But before I get to far off topic on this , the reason I am sharing this, is because if you have not experienced this yet, you will. When you start to level up your life, personally, spiritually or professionally, people will leave your life and others will come in. If I can give you any advice today it is this. Stay true to you, your goals, your mission. Don’t ever let anyone talk you out of your dreams.

I also want to mention that when I started this podcast and blog and website, my intention was to share with you the things that I have learnt, the people I have learnt from, the things that I love whether physical or digital. I believe that if you have something that can help someone else, you have a moral obligation to share it.

That is why I am sharing with you today another event that I am all in for, with…. You guessed it – we’re talking about the powerhouse duo, Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi, teaming up to bring you “The Game Has Changed” event!

Now, let me paint a picture of who this event is for.

  1. If you’re a business owner who knows you need a digital product and should be using AI to gain a competitive advantage over your competition, I invite you to be curious, sign up. Let’s face it, the digital landscape is evolving at lightning speed, and if you’re not leveraging technology to stay ahead, you’re falling behind. Meet the world where it is at. Not where it used to be.

2. But maybe you’re not a business owner – maybe you’re in a job or career that you’re no longer passionate about. Well, my friend, this event is also for you. Whether you’re itching to pivot into a new industry or start your own side hustle, Tony and Dean will arm you with the mindset and strategies you need to make it happen.

3. And hey, if you’re someone who’s been dying to let out your entrepreneurial spirit but just didn’t know where to start, I invite you to sign up here for “The Game Has Changed” event. Tony and Dean have been in your shoes, and they know what it takes to turn your dreams into reality.

Picture this:

You, surrounded by like-minded souls, all hungry for success and ready to rewrite the rules of the game. That’s exactly what is being offered with this event – a chance to level up in every aspect of your life and business

Now, let’s break it down. Tony Robbins – the man, the myth, the legend. With his infectious energy and unparalleled insights, he’s helped millions unleash their inner power and achieve their biggest goals. Then we have Dean Graziosi, the real estate mogul turned business guru, whose no-nonsense approach to success has inspired a whole new generation of entrepreneurs.

But here’s the kicker: “The Game Has Changed” isn’t just another seminar or conference. It’s a full-blown experience designed to ignite your passion, expand your mindset, and equip you with the tools you need to dominate in today’s ever-changing world.

Think of it as a masterclass in entrepreneurship, personal development, and everything in between. From practical strategies to mindset shifts, they are pulling out all the stops to ensure you walk away feeling empowered, inspired, and ready to take on the world.

And let’s not forget about the community aspect. Because let’s face it, success is so much sweeter when you’ve got a tribe cheering you on. At “The Game Has Changed,” you’ll be surrounded by fellow dreamers and doers who are just as committed to leveling up as you are. Who knows? You might just walk away with a few new biz besties or future collaborators!

So, let me ask you a question before we wrap this up. What are you waiting for? If you’re ready to ditch the status quo and step into your greatness, then consider this your official invitation. Join us at “The Game Has Changed” event which starts this Thursday June 13th , and get ready to rewrite the rules, crush your goals, and create a life and business you love. Trust me, this is one event you won’t want to miss!

I hope to see you on the inside!

Krista with a “K”

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Hi, I'm Krista.
Your BFF +  Creative Inspiration.

At this point in my life it is really hard to define who I am in one sentence. My journey has been such a beautiful one full of ups and downs with so many life lessons, and amazing blessings have come my way once I started to do life on my terms.

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Secrets to Discovering your WHY


Confidence is not "I'm better than Her" Confidece is "I'm great, and so is SHE"

Krista with a k